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LAMDA classes help you gain confidence, improve your performance skills and enhance all aspects of your academic and social education, the aim being to help you grow into a more rounded individual.  Of course, it also teaches fundamental basics and a strong background for those wishing to venture further into the performing arts.

Now in it's sixth year, Lamda at Doddies continues to flourish with a 100% pass rate, of which the students can be immensely proud. For many tackling an extra subject alongside their studies for SATs, GCSE's or A Levels has been a tough, but rewarding challenge.

Last term every examinee achieved a Distinction (80% and above) , with a few earning a fantastic 96%!

This academic year will see more group work developing and many students beginning to study at Medal Level: tackling Greek Tragedy, Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Stanislavsky, Brecht and much more.

For some, Lamda studies has lead to participating in the Suffolk Festival of Performing Arts and we are excited to see what the Doddies bring this year!
