L.A.M.D.A. News
Now in its sixth year, our LAMDA Doddies continue to flourish with a 100% pass rate, with many achieving high Merits and Distinctions! (75% and above)
In the Spring Term every examinee achieved a Distinction (80% and above), with a few earning a fantastic 96%! And the Summer Term produced our very first person to achieve 100% - almost unheard of! And for some, LAMDA studies have led to participating in the Suffolk Festival of Performing Arts, again with some fantastic achievements.
This academic year will see more group work developing and many students beginning to study at Medal Level: tackling Greek Tragedy, Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Tennessee Williams, Stanislavski, Brecht and much more.
This term we will be holding a LAMDA showcase, and we are very excited to share the hard work and dedication of the students. LAMDA exams can be a tough, but very rewarding challenge, particularly when students are tackling it as an extra subject alongside their studies for SATs, GCSEs or A.Levels.
From those first 20 (most of them now graduates) to our current batch, we are immensely proud of all of them!